100 Life-Changing Tips Using Microsoft Office for Windows

100 Life-Changing Tips Using Microsoft Office for Windows

B. inggris help ges kalo bisa jawab jadi jawaban terbail

help ges kalo bisa jawab jadi jawaban terbail


1. Teacher.

Teacher duties:

Train students, Provide guidance and direction, Teach knowledge and character, evaluate, assess and motivate

2. Writer.

Author duties:

Collecting reference materials that will be used as a reference for writing themes

Putting ideas and thoughts into writing

•Informing the reader about what needs to be achieved

Editing manuscripts with editors before printing or publishing

3. engineer machine.

Mechanical engineer duties:

•Design and run the mass production process of a factory

Become a consultant and mechanical designer

4. Nutritionists.

Dietician's duties:

Have in-depth and specialized skills regarding nutrition

• Regulate health improvement through diet and nutritional adequacy.

5. dose

Lecturer duties:

Organizing education, research, and community service. Planning, implementing the learning process, as well as assessing and developing learning outcomes.

6. Cashier.

Cashier duties:

payment for the purchase of goods or services such as in shops, cafes, hospitals, etc.

7. Model.

Model duties:

The task of displaying/displaying and shopping for clothing or other products for advertising or promotion or for artistic purposes.

8. Fisherman.

Fisherman duties:

find all the equipment for fishing, Operate the boat, Find and catch fish, shellfish and other marine life

9. Singer.

Singer duties:

Create new masterpieces, compose songs and entertain fans.

10. Police.

Police duties:

protecting the environment, traffic, prevention and malicious actions, etc
